Page name: RaineDrop's page [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-12-18 01:11:51
Last author: RabidSphinx
Owner: Nevermore.
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Rainedrop's page!

<img:>             <img:>

These are all drawings done by me, Sarah Jean Maefs. Do NOT take any of these images without asking.

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2006-08-28 [RabidSphinx]: i'm not proud of them...i don't like most of these actually... :/

2006-08-30 [trinityfairy]: nice work

2006-08-30 [RabidSphinx]: thank you

2006-08-30 [Eyes of the Reaper]: What type of pen is that exactly?

2006-08-31 [RabidSphinx]: you can see it in the bottom's just a "fine tip" pen i get at Walgreens for 2 bucks

2006-09-23 [eyes of frost]: Rachel has a question: On one last sketch you are working on, you can see the edge of the shirt, the collor do you do that? Whenever I try to color something in black and leave things outlined it comes out horrible looking. *pokes Raine* helpeth and tell me your secrets?

2006-09-23 [RabidSphinx]: um...i don't know...there is no real secret, you just carefully keep a white line to seperate the colar while filling in the shirt...

2006-09-24 [eyes of frost]: Do you follow a pencil line or something? *puppy dog eyes* It never works for me.

2006-09-24 [RabidSphinx]: um, yeah, i pencil things first, then ink can see in my sketches the penciling

2006-09-26 [eyes of frost]: Alrighty. I shall try maintaining a small line of white while edging something. Lol.

2006-09-26 [eyes of frost]: Oh and one more thing: What kind of ink do you use? Regular ball point pens or microns or what? Because the texture and the way the lines go in your art with the hair or clothing is really neat.

2006-09-26 [RabidSphinx]: you can see the actual pen i use in two of the's a liquid ink pen...2 bucks at walgreens

2006-09-26 [eyes of frost]: I have that same exact pen...only it cost me a buck thirty at walmart.

Even with a pen like that I still cant get that texture.

2006-09-26 [RabidSphinx]: well, um, do you keep all your strokes going in one direction?

2006-12-05 [Fabulous.]: I love yoohr drawings babe i think they rock i wish i could draw like yooh!
Much luffs

2006-12-05 [eyes of frost]: Gah...My lines never look like that. Phht. How long does it take you to ink normally?

2006-12-06 [RabidSphinx]: how long? um...i don't know, an hour or so? depends on how big the drawing is and how detailed

2006-12-23 [neveragainchi]: Love the Pocky Pals.^_^

2006-12-23 [RabidSphinx]: thanks. lol

2006-12-24 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: *Drool* Malfoy....*Drool* *Has nothing else to say*

2006-12-24 [RabidSphinx]: lol. i'll take that as a complement. :P

2006-12-24 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: Yeah it is XD

2006-12-24 [RabidSphinx]: lol. it's for a fanfiction i'm writing about draco malfoy

2006-12-25 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: Well I like the pic ^_^

2006-12-25 [RabidSphinx]: thank you. his head's too big. lol

2006-12-25 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: I dong care XD Mind if I save it to show one of my friends? She's in love with Draco. I'll give you full credit for it!

2006-12-25 [RabidSphinx]: yeah, sure, knock yourself out.

2006-12-25 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: Sweet. She nearly killed me to get a drawing I did of him once.

2006-12-25 [RabidSphinx]: lol. i'm obsessed with him too. :) Draco Malfoy Lovers lol

2006-12-25 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: Lol ^_^

2007-01-04 [RabidSphinx]: yay, 2 new pictures, both of Draco and Ginny from my fanfic. lol

2007-01-04 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: Yay! *Stare*

2007-01-04 [RabidSphinx]: lol. i hope you like. :))

2007-01-04 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: *Nods vigorously* *wants to be Ginny* *Pouts*

2007-01-04 [RabidSphinx]: you and me both darlin' lol

2007-01-04 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: lol ^_^

2007-01-04 [RabidSphinx]: i hope to have my fanfiction posted soon, and maybe you could check it out...i dunno if you would like it, but hey, it has Draco in it. lol.

2007-01-04 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: Draco! *Drool* I think I'll like it!

2007-01-04 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: *Clings to all the wolfies*

2007-01-04 [RabidSphinx]: lol. *clings to the puppies*

2007-01-04 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: Hehe... BAH! My pup just bit my toe >< *Thumps Odie's nose then goes back to hugging the wolfies*

2007-01-04 [RabidSphinx]: cats are looking for some attention, or some trouble...i can't decide which.

2007-01-04 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: Sharp lil puppy teeth *Dies* Kitties are cute ^^

2007-01-04 [Nevermore.]: my cat is a tom..pretty wild so i dont really see him..well maybe once wvery 4 weeks...*pouts* i miss him

2007-01-04 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: Aww

2007-01-04 [Nevermore.]: tis not fair <img:mood21-gif.gif><img:mood7-gif.gif>

2007-01-04 [RabidSphinx]: i have a Tom, but we keep him inside now, so now he walks around the house singing at 5am. >_<;

2007-01-04 [Nevermore.]: i NEVER see my mooney anymore >< me luff him but he's just to much of a company whore to stay in >< and he's a bit of a stud :P he has like....30 kids

2007-01-04 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: YAy new new drawing!

2007-01-04 [Eyes of the Reaper]: AWWWW! ^-^ I love the doggies!!! They look a bit like mine, except Tess has chocolate eyes instead of blue. :)

2007-01-05 [*_*]: your art gets beter and beter

2007-01-05 [RabidSphinx]: glad you all like the wolves. :)

2007-01-05 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: *Still clinging* >.>;;;;

2007-01-05 [RabidSphinx]: lol. you like the pups in the new one? i *tried* to give them a red-ish colour, but i'm not sure it scanned out properly

2007-01-05 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: I like them! Draco (I'm asuming. Could be one of the other pups) is just like "Eh..*Nervous laugh* o.<;;;;" I can see some of the pink

2007-01-05 [RabidSphinx]: yeah, it's Draco with his pups. he gets to put up with them on the full moon because Ginny is not a werewolf and them being playful, they are a little nippy and she doesn't want to get infected accidentaly. so Draco gets to lay there, trying to sleep through the night, to have his pups tugging at him to play. it's really, quite cute. lol. (Wolfsbane in the HP books supposedly eases the pains of the change and allows the drinker to mainatin their mind while shifted, so that is why the pups and Draco are not vicious)

2007-01-05 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: *nod nod*

2007-01-05 [RabidSphinx]: I just love Draco as a daddy. *gushes*

2007-01-05 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: Me too ^_^ *hugs the drawings*

2007-01-07 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: Awww I like the new pic.

2007-01-08 [RabidSphinx]: the scan was terrible so i tried takeing a picture of it. honestly, my colouring is not THAT bad, but the scans always make them look horrific.

2007-01-08 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: *Blink* It changed again *Goes to look at the stuff she hasnt seen*

2007-01-08 [RabidSphinx]: yeah, i added some new art and shrunk everything down

2007-01-09 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: *nods*

2007-01-12 [RabidSphinx]: why can't i upload images directly onto my wiki anymore? the option is just totally gone from the bottom of the page! :(((

2007-01-12 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: Aww *hug* I sorry.

2007-01-12 [Eyes of the Reaper]: That's weird... O.o' I can upload them directly to the page (and it's not mine either)... Sounds like someone messed with your privs, or EP is just being a butt...

2007-01-12 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: *nod* I'm able to too.

2007-01-12 [RabidSphinx]: yeah, my prives were lowered to 101 for some odd reason and that seriously pisses me off

2007-01-12 [Eyes of the Reaper]: That supremely sucks!!! o.o I have no clue what mine are... O.o'

2007-01-12 [RabidSphinx]: well, they have to be 99 or less to upload art...

2007-01-13 [Eyes of the Reaper]: Hmm... ok... is there a page that lists out the priv-levels and what each enables you to do?

2007-01-13 [RabidSphinx]: yes. Privs

2007-01-13 [Eyes of the Reaper]: Alright... Mine is between 99 and 94... I don't know if I can upload any file to ep, but I know I can upload pics...

2007-01-13 [RabidSphinx]: i used to be able to upload sounds and such. becaise i'm a volunteer

2007-01-13 [Eyes of the Reaper]: Hmm... I uploaded a song, but (go figure) my computer won't play it. O.o'

2007-01-13 [RabidSphinx]: well, i was a 94, and for some reason i'm not anymore, and that pisses me off.

2007-01-13 [Eyes of the Reaper]: Sweet! Scratch that! It works. lol | I'm sorry. I can upload stuff for you if you'd like. :)

2007-01-13 [RabidSphinx]: i would rather be able to do it myself. *grumbles*
this is what i need to post:

2007-01-13 [Eyes of the Reaper]: Would you like me to upload it for you? (I assume so, since you added the link, except that it's in your house.)

2007-01-13 [RabidSphinx]: it's all fucked up and small on my house, bt it's there because i can't upload it any other way. if you could upload that version onto this page for me, that would be nice...

2007-01-13 [Eyes of the Reaper]: I shall do that! :)

2007-01-13 [Eyes of the Reaper]: I didn't resize it, thought you'd rather do that. :)

2007-01-13 [RabidSphinx]: thank you so very very very much!
what do you think of the picture btw?

2007-01-13 [Eyes of the Reaper]: You're quite welcome!!! ^-^

I absolutely love it! ^-^ lol I loved the Mr. & Mrs. Smith movie too, so, it makes me happy.

2007-01-13 [RabidSphinx]: i love that movie!!! thus why i used the idea for the picture. :)
i'm quite pleased with how it turned out, and i normally HATE my art...the fact that i don't this one is weird... >_>;
i blame it on Draco's tight pants...

2007-01-13 [Eyes of the Reaper]: lol Niiice. XD "Draco + tight pants = <3" Correct?

2007-01-13 [RabidSphinx]: yes, that would be the correct answer... :)

2007-01-13 [Eyes of the Reaper]: ^-^ Coolies!

2007-01-24 [pimpin' juggalette]: ur a really good drawer

2007-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: thank you. :) not as good as i would liek though. :(

2007-02-04 [Analeyin]: RD/TLM! You use my favorite pen! I have fifty billion of them. It's really been forever since I've been on EP.

2007-02-04 [RabidSphinx]: lool. i like that pen, i feel it works the best, don't you?

2007-02-14 [RabidSphinx]: new shit posted. woot....

2007-02-14 [Star * Shine]: Your art is quite nice.

2007-02-14 [RabidSphinx]: thank you. :)

2007-02-15 [Toxic Misery]: your art is so beautiful raine!

2007-02-15 [RabidSphinx]: thank you babe.

2007-02-16 [Superman™]: all these drawings are awesome, you have a great talent,

2007-02-16 [RabidSphinx]: thanks.

2007-02-18 [RabidSphinx]: yay for more new can really see in the updated pictures what a differance a sketch compaird to a drawing makes.

2007-02-23 [Beloved Promise]: I like the new sketch. It's pretty :) Can't wait till it's done. btw still love your art

2007-02-26 [RabidSphinx]: thanks. i have a new-new sketch posted. lol. i need a scanner, this is making me grumpy with all the photographs i have to take with my camera...

2007-02-26 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: What color are the kids' hair? In the sketch of Malfoy and them?

2007-02-27 [RabidSphinx]: they are plae pale blond(e) like Draco.

2007-02-27 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: Okies, thanks! *Gets Photoshop running* >.> you didnt see that action.

2007-02-27 [RabidSphinx]: lol. i plan to colour it myself...once i have a scan. XD i can't colour things unless they are starck black and white...the picture is grey and black. >_<

2007-02-27 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: XD

2007-02-27 [RabidSphinx]: i scanned it at Goatt''s MASSIVE!!!!!!!!
good for photoshop. :)

2007-02-27 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: XD Chya. I was having trouble with it before.

2007-02-27 [RabidSphinx]: well, you can try the newer image. XD i will get on that when i;m done with the piece i'm working on now...

2007-02-27 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: :D *nod* It will take me a while to get it done 1. cus I'm working on something else for a friend that I totaly forgot about and that i need done like SOON or she will kill me, and I usually try and take my time on things.

2007-02-27 [RabidSphinx]: i lack patience COMPLETELY thus why i rushed on this last piece i just uploaded. >_<
i need to work on the lips and finishe the necklace and blend the neck more...yadda yadda...

2007-02-27 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: XP *hug* No worries. Alot of the time I'm like DAMNIT! GOTTA FINISH! *Does so* But I go slow when I really want it to look good. Hold on I'll upload what I've got so far on the one I'm doing for another friend

2007-02-27 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: <img300*0:stuff/duelbetweenfriendsbydaughterofgaaraunfinished.jpg> Click it to enlarge (Mesh can die..I dun wanna do the guy cus of the mesh XD)

2007-02-27 [RabidSphinx]: wow...that's anmazing! so your friend drew it and you are colouring it? or you are doing it all for her?

i wish i could draw like that. :(

2007-02-27 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: Its kinda all of the above. Our ideas. We both worked on the drawing, and I be coloring it. Her charries is the guy and mine is the girl. I'm gunna die. The mesh shall kill me. I'm not gunna color the mesh but I have to color...AROUND it....

2007-02-27 [RabidSphinx]: can't you layer it and make it so the lines stay above whatever you colour? that's what i did for the mesh (and all the lines) on my art while colouring...

still, i wish i could draw like that...*is sad*

2007-02-27 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: I dunno.. I'm thinking of doing something different with the male.. I'm gunna talk to my friend at school and see if she has any idead.

*Hugs* No worries. Thease were FUCKING HARD. Pardon the cursing.

2007-02-27 [RabidSphinx]: i imagine they were not easy, but seeing good art always discourages me. >_<

there is a way to select only the lines and you then copy them to a transparent layer and then colour layers UNDER that layer and the lines will always be on top so that you never have to colour AROUND a line, and staying in the lines is really easy. :)

2007-02-27 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: *Hugs again*

Hm..o.o I'll have to find out how >.>

2007-02-27 [RabidSphinx]: go to your menu and find the "channels" option. Select only the blue channel and tell it to apply to the picture, it will highlight only the lines. use "invert" then and then copy the lines. open a new file with a white background. make a transparent layer over that and paste the lines to that layer. keeping the lines layer always as the top layer, add layers under it, as many as you need, one for each colour. with the lines layer on top, you can't colour over them. :)

2007-02-27 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: kay thanks

2007-02-27 [RabidSphinx]: Okay, I used the layers option and I did that colouring really fast. Like, literally from the time I posted my last comment and this one. layers are REALLY nice.
I didn't bother shading that much or all that good, i just wanted to give you an idea. XD
your art is amazing, better than mine, thus easier to colour...i took liberties on the colours because i don't know your characters...also, her colour washed out some because i used the "channels" option. you should only do that on a purely black and white line drawing, but, yeah. XD
oh, and i just realized he is wearing gloves. lol...i would have erased the colour from that section if i had been paying better attention. *shifty eyes*

2007-02-27 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: XD Nice..o.o I was actually going to make him orange XD >.>;;;
The more washed out color looks cool. I still prefer the darker but its still cool!
*putters around to get it done*

2007-02-27 [RabidSphinx]: yeah, layers make colouring easier, and look nicer. glad you like the orange. XD
she loosk good in her original colour, i could have spliced the two together so that she was full colour, but this was just a demonstrations. hahaha. XD

2007-02-27 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: Aaaaaaannndd I cant find invet >< XD I'm such a dweeb.

2007-02-27 [RabidSphinx]: well, you using photoshop? it is called something else, but close to invert, i can't remember what though. it is under one of your dropdows at the top. for me, with GIMP it's under the "Select" drop down...

2007-02-27 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: I'm using Photoshop CS but I also have GIMP

2007-02-27 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: But it already made it black and white.

2007-02-27 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: Rawr I'll just work on it later. I'm getting confused XD

2007-02-27 [RabidSphinx]: lol. i was confused at first too, then i figured it out as my friend over AIM explained it to me. now it seems stupidly easy and i want to kick myself for not being able to do it at first. XD

2007-02-27 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: XD nice

2007-03-19 [RabidSphinx]: new drawings...well, sketches...photographs of sketches....>_<

2007-03-20 [Eyes of the Reaper]: I love the one of Ginny! ^-^ I think it's absolutely stunning! Great work, RD! Also, would you mind if I tried to color the one of Draco with Michelangelo and Clarissa?

2007-03-20 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: I love all the new art

2007-03-21 [RabidSphinx]: sure! colour away! feel free to ask what colours to use if you can't guess or something. (all pale blonds, clarissa is in pale pink, Draco in green, Michelangelo is red + jeans) bedding is green too, dresser brown...pretty straight forward. XD

andf i'm glad you like the one of Ginny.

2007-03-21 [Eyes of the Reaper]: Yay! ^-^ Thank you!!! I'll get it to you as soon as possible (right now, school is eating my lunch).

2007-03-21 [RabidSphinx]: hahaha. well, take your time and have fun with it. :)

2007-03-21 [Zombiie Natiion]: god if you think that drawing of ginny makes her look 'kinda fat' all us normal girls must be fucking whales!!

2007-03-22 [RabidSphinx]: well, i'm a whale, so i'm allowed to have my opinions. :)

2007-04-02 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: <3333333333's to the new one! Awesome coloring too! (I suck at coloring unless its photoshop >.>;

2007-04-03 [RabidSphinx]: i suck at colouring no matter what, i don't know what you are talking about. >_>;
but thank you! i kind'a like the new one.

2007-04-03 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: I think its awesome! Hand me markers you get a blob. Hand me tablet and photoshop...Yay... But I've not been very good at photoshop lately. I think I'm getting artists block...TT_TT

2007-04-03 [RabidSphinx]: i wish i had a tablet. i have to do y photoshoping with the mouse and it's hard

2007-04-03 [Eyes of the Reaper]: I refuse to photoshop with my mouse (it's wireless so it freaks out quite often). So, I use colored pencils. Hopefully, I'll get the top things I want for my birthday: a set of copic markers from Mom and a gamer's laptop from Dad. (I would eventually save up for Photoshop and a tablet on my own.)

2007-04-03 [RabidSphinx]: when is your birthday? mine is sunday. i wont be getting anything, because i never have in the past, but maybe i'll oneday get myself photoshop and a teblet. first i need to learn how to draw so that all that money (and it would be a LOT of money) wouldn't go to waste.

2007-04-03 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: I can ask my dad how much my Tablet was. I got it for my birthday. Warning, very confusing at first. I use to photoshop a hole lot with my mouse then I got tired of it :P I've got Photoshop CS2 and The GIMP. THE GIMP is free and alot like photoshop (Though I find it rather confusing after using photoshop)

2007-04-03 [RabidSphinx]: i have THE GIMP

2007-04-04 [Eyes of the Reaper]: I have neither. My birthday is the day after Halloween. :)

2007-04-04 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: Halloweeeeeeeeeeeeeeen >.> I like Halloween

2007-04-04 [Eyes of the Reaper]: As do I. Sadly though, my birthday is on All Saints Day. -.- Halloween--October 31st. All Saints Day--November 1st. Day of the Dead--November 2nd... of all days, I had to be born on the 1st of November. -.-

2007-04-04 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: HAHA! >.>

2007-04-04 [Eyes of the Reaper]: XP Hey, at least mine is NEAR Halloween!

2007-04-04 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: XD

2007-04-04 [RabidSphinx]: well, Lesus is so pimpin' my day this year. >_<;

2007-04-04 [Eyes of the Reaper]: Awesome! ^-^

2007-04-04 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: XD

2007-04-04 [RabidSphinx]: i have 2 new sketches posted. XD i need to kill myself. *bangs head on desk*

2007-04-04 [Eyes of the Reaper]: I love the dancing one. It's so pretty and romantic. ^-^

2007-04-04 [RabidSphinx]: Draco and Ginny's first dance. i am actually colouring that one now right here on my desk. it looks better coloured, and with his ponytail (which i deleted from the skcetch because the original was awful) her dress is green at the bodic and then white for the rest of it. i liek her hair coloured, that's about all i like about the picture....

2007-04-16 [RabidSphinx]: yay for drawing...wait, no...but i tried, and that's what matters...right? >_>;;

2007-04-16 [Eyes of the Reaper]: I think it's amazing! I can't draw to save my life or anyone else's... -.-

2007-04-16 [RabidSphinx]: awww.thanks. i'm not too happy with it myself though. :/

2007-04-17 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *hugs* :) Yeah, I know what that's like... No matter how many times people say something is great, all you can see are the things that are wrong... *nod* I'm like that with all my art.

2007-04-17 [RabidSphinx]: i'm like that with everything in my life. >_<;;

2007-04-17 [Eyes of the Reaper]: I was...until I realized that things weren't going to change. lol

2007-04-17 [RabidSphinx]: i am hopeful i can still change things, like my weight will go down and my art will get better. :/

2007-04-17 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *nod* I'm very critical of myself, but even more-so of those around me. It's a bad habit I'm trying to break...

2007-04-17 [RabidSphinx]: i think it is a good habit because i'm always trying to improve myself

2007-04-17 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *nod* I can't break the one about being critical toward myself, and I agree, it helps one improve. But I am trying to break the one about being hard on only seems to drive them away...

2007-04-24 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: LOVE the new drawing

2007-04-24 [RabidSphinx]: aww, thank you. Draco and Ginny all cute with their bed-head. :)

2007-04-24 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: :D

2007-04-24 [RabidSphinx]: there are some problems with the picture, (a lot actually) like Draco's hands being too small, Ginny's legs being too long and feet too big, and i could go on, but hey, it was 4:30 im the morning. XD

2007-04-25 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: XD no worries!

2007-05-06 [Sunrose]: Nice art, really like this one! <URL:stuff/MalfoyFamilySketch.jpg> :O

2007-05-06 [RabidSphinx]: omg! [Sunrose] is in my art gallery wiki! *faints* lol. thank you darling, i'm glad you like that one. *hugs*
wait did you rate my wiki. wow! *glomps* thank you!!!!~~!!~!

2007-05-07 [Sunrose]: No, I didn't rate it :)

2007-05-08 [RabidSphinx]: oh, well, it's still awesome that you like my drawing. :) *glomps you anyways*

2007-05-26 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: LUFF THE NEW ONE

2007-05-26 [RabidSphinx]: thank you...i have been working on it (editing little things here and there) for days

2007-05-26 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: Its great!

2007-05-26 [RabidSphinx]: thanks. I'm not happy with their faces. :/
i have more new art i should post though...a semi-nude of Draco and such...

2007-05-27 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: I like the other new one too! I'm guessing Harry also likes Ginny?

2007-05-27 [RabidSphinx]: Well, we know they dated in book six and Ginny has had a crush on Harry since her first year...It is my ship that Draco and Ginny are together, so this picture is to signify both canon and fanon. :)

2007-05-27 [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]: :)

2007-05-29 [angelicdeath]: your art is amazing

2007-05-29 [RabidSphinx]: thank you. I try...i hope to get better soon

2007-05-29 [angelicdeath]: kool well good luck

2007-07-04 [Ghetto Gurlz ♥ Ghetto Gangsters♥]: Nice pics

2007-07-04 [RabidSphinx]: thanky

2007-09-03 [enormous]: like it :D

2007-09-03 [RabidSphinx]: spank you

2007-10-18 [Midori]: I had no took an interest in art...nor were so incredibly good at it...

2007-10-18 [RabidSphinx]: i <3 art, it is what i am doing right now...drawing. XD
and thanks for saying i'm good *^_^*

2007-11-09 [Elf_Person]: *WAVES*

2007-11-09 [RabidSphinx]: *pokes*

2007-11-09 [Elf_Person]: eeeeeeeeeek *scoots away* hi RD, how've ya been

2007-12-17 [littlefairydream]: I loved it very much

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